Rockabilly Hairdos and Hairstyles
October 31, 2009 by Rockabilly Guy
Filed under All Articles, Featured, Hair Styling, Pinup Modeling, Rockabilly

Getting a D.A. at the Barbers
Of the few basic hairstyles for men in the rockabilly scene, one of the most popular would

Pomade or Hair "Grease"
have to be the ducktail haircut, otherwise known as the “D.A.” Short for Ducks Ass. A symbol of the 50’s that’s captured the imagination’s of many and endured decades to the present. The D.A. was achieved by combing the hair back on the sides to the middle of the back of the head, then the end of the comb was used to make a part down the center. This required a bit of pomade or hair grease – which is where the term “greasers” came from. This hair style quickly tagged a guy as a rebel, non-conformist or a troublemaker.

Flat Top Haircut
Mostly rockabillies wore their hair short on the sides, longer at the back and enough length at the top front to create an upswept “pompadour”. Another popular cut was the flat top, characterized by the “Flat Top” of the head and hair.

Ann Sheridan - typical 40-50's look
Women’s styles follow two general looks. The first is the moderate-length, layered cut. This style is always curly or wavy and is a classic look from the 40s and 50s. The other look is the most common among the Rockabilly devotees – the one made popular by Bettie Page, the 1940s and 50s pin-up model. The look is longer, generally created with blunt cut fringe across the forehead. The hair is generally styled to have soft waves while the fringe is straight and smooth.